Types of Security Systems for Business

Types of Security Systems for Business

Threats to the safety and security of your business and its data can come from many directions and take many forms, from fires to thieves to disgruntled employees. A comprehensive safety and security system is required to keep it safe from all of them. Security Services Company has installed many such systems throughout the Lehigh Valley for companies of all sizes. This article will discuss the major types of security systems available.

Security Systems

Traditional security systems are designed to keep your business safe from people with ill intent. There are several types of security systems in this category.

Access Control Systems

These systems control who can enter and exit different areas within a facility, enhancing security by restricting access to authorized personnel only. They do so through the use of key cards, biometric scanners, or password-protected entry points. Additionally, you can even set up schedules to increase your security. Access control systems prevent unauthorized entry, thereby protecting sensitive information and ensuring that only qualified individuals can access critical areas.

Video Monitoring/CCTV

Closed circuit TVs, more colloquially known as video monitoring systems, provide continuous surveillance of critical areas on your property using strategically placed cameras. These systems deter criminal activity, document incidents that occur, and allow for remote monitoring of the facility. Modern systems have high-definition footage that helps provide a clearer picture of perpetrators, allowing for better post-event analysis. These installations are also fully NDAA compliant.

Full Security Systems

A full security system is a must for the most comprehensive protection possible. These systems integrate alarms, motion detectors, surveillance cameras, and more to provide a complete overview of your company’s security. They monitor for unauthorized access, intrusions, and other security threats and issue real-time alerts when such threats are detected. A robust security system should be tailored to your business’s specific needs and conditions.

Fire Safety Systems

Fire safety systems are a special type of security system that keeps your business safe from the threat of fire. They can be broken down into three categories:

Commercial Fire Alarms

A fire at your business risks the lives of your employees and customers, can destroy important equipment, cause a serious business disruption, and even potentially put you out of business. Commercial fire alarms are the best way to protect yourself from these consequences. The early detection they provide can ensure a quick evacuation and emergency response, making these systems a critical component of any commercial safety strategy.

Fire Alarm Inspections and Functionality Tests

A fire alarm brings great peace of mind to business owners. Unfortunately, fire alarms don’t always function when they’re needed, giving business owners a false sense of security. With routine inspections and functionality tests, you can ensure that your fire alarms will sound when a fire occurs. These inspections verify that all detectors, alarms, and control panels are fully functioning and make any necessary repairs. 

Sprinkler System Supervision

Fire alarms can allow for quick exits where lives and potentially property are saved and can get the fire department on the scene more quickly. When combined with sprinkler systems, the fires can be put out before they spread to the rest of the building, further minimizing damage. Remote monitoring of these systems ensures that they’re always ready and functional should a fire occur, increasing the system’s reliability and minimizing false alarms.

Process and Facility Monitoring

Facility process monitoring involves tracking critical operations within a facility to ensure they function correctly and efficiently. The specifics are tailored to the specific needs of each business. It may include monitoring temperature, pressure, humidity, A/C loss, generator run, or other essential parameters. Continuous monitoring of these processes allows for potential issues to be detected early, preventing accidents and ensuring smooth and safe operations. These systems keep downtime low and productivity high.

Integrate Advanced Security Solutions For Enhanced Business Protection

Security Service Company is a trusted security provider in the Eastern Pennsylvania and Western New Jersey area. If your business needs advanced and comprehensive security systems and systems monitoring, contact us today. Our full staff will help you determine your needs and secure your business.

Image Credit: Andrey Popov, Shutterstock

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